Upcoming Conference: Which Way to to Electrification of the U.S. Transportation System?

On April 3-4, GW Law's Sustainable Energy Initiative will host an extraordinary group of speakers who will lead the audience on an exploration of the initiatives in electric transportation in the U.S. with an emphasis on the role of government. We will look closely at the technology behind the policy, and its risks, including those occurring where technology and policy intersect. We will consider the appropriate roles of federal, state, and local governmental and regulatory bodies, both with respect to what they should do and where industry should lead instead. At the beginning and end, a poll will assess your understanding and views. The conference will close with a discussion of how the two-day immersion influenced the attendees’ understanding and views and next steps. The poll results will also inform any subsequent white paper recommendations emerging from the conference as well as further research. Join us for this interactive, policy-shaping event!
The event will be held in Washington DC. For the agenda and to register click:
Registration fee is $100
This conference is presented by George Washington University Law School through its Sustainable Energy Initiative. Consistent with GW Law’s educational mission, the program is structured to deepen the participants’ understanding of the progress, opportunities, risks, and challenges for the future of the transportation sector and electrification, and how that can or should affect government policy and regulation of the sector. GW Law plans to issue a report or articles based on the conference output so that ideas developed by the participants can be more widely shared. We hope this will become an annual event, so that the network built during this meeting will have a forum in which to regularly share ideas as the electric transportation sector evolves.

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